I am a senior researcher (DR2) with the CNRS, at the Computer Science Department (LIP6, APR team) of Sorbonne Universite. I am also a professor (PCC) at Ecole Polytechnique. My research focuses on Topological Data Analysis and Visualization.
I am the principal investigator of the project TORI (In-situ Topological Reduction of Scientific Data), awarded by the ERC.


 ·  Our paper on MPI distributed computations in TTK has been accepted to IEEE TVCG! [Apr. 6, 2024]
 ·  Our paper on Wasserstein auto-encoders of topological descriptors has been accepted to IEEE TVCG! [Nov. 13, 2023]
 ·  Our paper on Wasserstein dictionaries of persistence diagrams has been accepted to IEEE TVCG! [Oct. 23, 2023]







Introduction to Topological Data Analysis

Master program, class webpage.

Master MVA (Maths, Vision and Learning, ENS), fall 2017-present.

Introduction to scientific visualization

Scientific visualization, master program, class webpage.

ENSTA ParisTech, spring 2013-present.

Exercise package.
Domain representations

Scientific visualization, master program, class webpage.

ENSTA ParisTech, spring 2013-present.

Exercise package.
Scalar field visualization

Scientific visualization, master program, class webpage.

ENSTA ParisTech, spring 2013-present.

Exercise package.
Vector field visualization

Scientific visualization, master program, class webpage.

ENSTA ParisTech, spring 2013-present.

Exercise package.
Tensor field visualization

Scientific visualization, master program, class webpage.

ENSTA ParisTech, spring 2013-present.

Exercise package.
Surface parameterization

Computer graphics, master program.

Telecom ParisTech, spring 2011-present.
Information visualization for scientific visualization

Scientific visualization, graduate program.

University of Utah, fall 2009.
Introduction to volume rendering

Scientific visualization, graduate program.

University of Utah, fall 2009.
Delaunay complexes

Computational topology, graduate program.

University of Utah, spring 2009.
Persistent homology

Computational topology, graduate program.

University of Utah, spring 2009.
Introduction to OpenGL (in French)

Computer graphics, master program.

Telecom Lille 1, fall 2007.
Introduction to VRML (in French)

Computer graphics, master program.

Telecom Lille 1, fall 2007.
Introduction to video processing (in French)

Image processing, master program.

Telecom Lille 1, fall 2005.

Exercise package

Updated on Nov. 18, 2023.